About Our School

Welcome to Lewis & Clark Elementary, home of the Eagles!

The mission of Lewis & Clark Elementary is to provide a safe, supportive learning environment which encourages curiosity, fosters creative thinking, and promotes perseverance.

Our school is committed to developing self-motivated, life-long learners that assures acceptance and respect for the individual needs and learning potential of all students. We have high expectations for all students and our goal is that all students will be responsible, productive participants in our changing society.

District and School Report Card Information

Are you interested in knowing how your child's school did on state assessments? Visit the Washington State OSPI Report Card at: https://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us

The Report Card contains valuable information about test results as well as other statistics about our schools. To find results for our district and your child's school, use the webpage drop-down menu to find Richland School District and press GO.