Title I School

Lewis & Clark Elementary participates in the Closing Educational Achievement Gaps (Title I) Program of the Every Student Succeeds Act.

Title I, Part A is a federal program that provides additional instructional services and activities. These additional supports help students in meeting the challenging state academic standards and closing the educational opportunity gap.

Our goal is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards. Richland School District Title I schools qualify for federal grant money which we use for additional staffing, parent family involvement, staff development, and supplemental instructional supports to help us meet that goal.

RSD Title I, Part A Information

Title I Schoolwide Plans

Parents are invited and encouraged to participate in the development of the Schoolwide Plan/Campus Improvement Plan. Parents are invited each spring to participate in the development of each Title I school’s plan. The team is comprised of various stakeholders- parents, community members, administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, and support personnel. This team is responsible for reviewing data and providing input into the development of the school’s Title I plan. Parents from each demographic group are invited and encouraged to participate in the development of the annual Schoolwide Plan or Campus Improvement Plan.